Monday, October 17, 2011

The Sumerians and Ancient Aliens

Historians believe the Ancient Mesopotamia / the Sumerian Civilization
was located within the area shaded in green displayed above

Modern UFO and Alien Contacts being reported have a strong similarity to the Ancient descriptions of the "Anunnaki" that are commonly described in the texts left behind by the Ancient Sumerians.

Ancient Mesopotamia and the great city of Sumer was once home to the oldest known civilization of mankind... the Sumerians. It was located in what is now Iraq.

Their culture dates all the way back to around 6,000 BC; it’s the oldest known civilization on Earth. We currently use the same mathematical system, calendar, and time keeping structure that they created long ago.

They had an amazing knowledge of the solar system, among other things, legends of how their GODS came to Earth. Such legends or perhaps myths also tell of a life form that they described in our terms as “android beings”. The Sumerians tell us that the anunnaki had “helpers” that often performed such tasks as flying their machines used for transportation, or simply helped with every day miscellaneous tasks. The Sumerians explain that these “Helpers’ we not alive, but only acted as if they were. In my view such seemingly un-necessary information strengthens the likely of such stories or legends as being factual.

If the writings left behind by these ancient people have been translated correctly... The planet earth's formation began after a collision between two former planets, one called “Nibiru” (sometimes called planet X) and the other said to be called “Tiamet”, well over 450,000 years ago; as has been described by some translations of Sumerian legend. These legends or myths call these being a race of giants that once roamed the earth.

Such legend  is further supported by the Holy Bible, in Genesis chapter six, you may recall something about there being giants (also called Nephilim) in those days... and while it is believed by many folks in the Church that these beings were angels... the Sumerians believed they were a race of aliens from the planet Nibiru.  

If you maintain the idea that the Anunnaki really did exist on Nibiru (planet X), you might as well include the next argument that is set forth by the legends … that they (the Anunnaki) created mankind by using Genetic Engineering thousands of years ago.

In this event it makes sense that they maintain quite an interest in us even today, perhaps such thinking better explains UFO sightings, and especially of the 3rd kind (where-in contact is made with humans). We could very well be one of their grandest experiments, especially since the Anunnaki are said to have created modern humans from the primitive man already here. In short, they created Homo sapiens, by combining their very own genes with the primitive Neanderthal man, who was scurrying about the area, to create us.

You might also be wondering what these Anunnaki creatures from the recently destroyed planet X were doing here on earth other than the obvious self preservation effort in the first place.  Beyond such self preservation, why would they bother fiddling or interacting with the rather dense people (I’m speaking comparatively here) they initially found, rather than just kill them off?

You see, the Earth was probably still in its infancy and was extremely rich in natural mineral deposits and the Anunnaki probably realized they were here for the long haul. And two, the Sumerians of the day were sure that the Anunnaki, who were obviously a very greedy race of beings, were also on the planet to mine / recover the rich resources (these early Sumerians may have been a bit slow but they recognized this straight away).

So they (the good folks from planet X) created a slave race from their own DNA and that of the Homo erectus (prehistoric man). By doing this they enslaved mankind to “search the world over”, so to speak, for gold and other precious metals as well as provide the necessary labor for the recovery of such.

Sources …                                                                                                                             

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