Saturday, August 27, 2011

Living to Die? … Try Being a Ghost!

OK ladies and gentlemen, as you might guess during my disabled twilight years I find my self spending to much time thinking about the age old issue of living and dying… After all dying is something that everything that lives will eventually get to try at least once … trees, garden vegetables, cats, dogs, horses, and people are all included.  As I mention in an earlier post about near death experiences I tried it once but it didn't 'take'.

I think it’s likely that some wise old Indian (or such) once said only the rocks and dirt live forever … but when he said it he probably didn’t realize that neither of the two actually have a life of any kind anyway.

The fact remains that if you live, even if you do not particularly want to, you will surely die … The age old question that most of us have is not do we die but the real mystery and # 1 question is what happens, if anything, after we die.

Thank about this: Can you think of a single living thing that does not start-out living, if for no other reason, to produce additional living thing things that will have the same qualities or characteristics (I'm speaking in general here) … This includes all plants and animals to the best of my knowledge.  Plants for example produce seeds which, if subjected to the right circumstance are certainly capable of eventually growing into a plant that’s very much like the parent plant.  About the same analogy can be applied to the animal kingdom; including humans.

I have heard reincarnationists insist that this is conclusive evidence that their theory for past lives exist and therefore future other worldly lives must exist as well.  Well I guess they are right about that at least up to a point; while this new living thing (plant or animal) is most certainly very much like the original, no one has or is likely to argue that it’s the same exact living entity.   Depending in a large part to the environment it is subjected to, this “new life” form is going to have many similar characteristics but yet a bit different from good old mom or dad.  I guess it all depends on how you look at it…Some might say that only the essence or spirit of the tree (or whatever) lives on for example.

It would be nice (I guess) if that was the end of the story but the truth is it’s much deeper than that.  The very first and most complicated issue that comes to mind is (and the secondary topic I’m trying to address here) is what can be said about all these stories we so often hear about living people seeing and sometimes even talking to human beings we know to be dead people.  Practically every human society speaks about such things either in written records of folk lore; so you would certainly expect there to be at least a little something to it.

So here I attempt to incorporate a little common sense into the subject by offering this analogy: When you burn by fire a dead sheet / piece of paper that was once a living plant of some kind, the remaining result is ashes and smoke … technically the paper is still with us but it’s in a different form.  You see the paper is actually composed of a lot of tiny atoms that are transformed into ashes and smoke when subjected to fire.  The concept or rule here is simple … you can not really completely destroy that sheet of paper … but you can convert it into what appears to be something else entirely.

So in short, my life after death theory is about the same.  When human beings die, we may very well be transformed or converted into what we call “Ghosts” which are simply a different form of a dead human; and on more occasions than you might think such ghosts figure a way to communicate with the living.

Most societies like to think that such Ghosts have the opportunity to go to a ‘happy’ place where they can be with other dead people that were former friends and family, during the “living era” and remain there for evermore; and some variation to that is apt to be true. After all, such an event would explain the inviting “light” that we all have heard about which ghosts are allegedly attracted to.

Not all ghosts, it seems, elect to enter the light however, I’m sure for a large number of reasons, ranging from a failure to recognize the fact that they are dead, to a deep seated fear of what the light has to offer.

I doubt that the scientific community will ever figure out exactly what or how everything really works after we die but I think it’s reasonable to believe that humans are in fact a form of energy that could very well be transformed into something quite different; just like that sheet of paper I mentioned as being set on fire a few paragraphs above.


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