Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Having frequently been interested in the many stories reported by “Abductees”; perhaps its time for us to consider a few Abduction Stores that you probably have not thought of prior to this publication. 

I hope to relate some of these stories in the context of “first person”, not in an under-handed attempt to lessen the believability of the event(s) but to try to lend credibility to each case, because to me at least, first person stories somehow add an undisclosed amount of authority to a story. Regardless, the primary purpose of this endeavor is as always, an effort to allow you to ponder on the possibilities being placed forward for your consideration – as well as for your enjoyment.  Then too, as the author I am afforded huge latitude in regard to selecting a writing style.

Abductions, especially those of the Alien variety, have been the subject of conspiracy theories and science fiction storylines (notably the TV Series: The X-Files) that have speculated on stealth technology and other such things, of which  are often considered essential for the reported phenomenon to exist.

Surprisingly the first alien abduction claim to be widely publicized was the “Betty and Barney Hill” abduction case back in 1961.  Many such reports of the abduction phenomenon have been made around the world, however they’re most common in English speaking countries, and especially in the United States. Of course, there are other, earlier documented accounts that we seldom talk about.  For example the biblical story of Jonah being swallowed by a rather large “whale” after being tossed overboard is a much earlier case of Abduction.  After-all Jonah reportedly lived inside the “whale” for three whole days before it “spit the reluctant prophet onto dry land”; this event was first recounted, according to most historians, some time before 760 BC.

Here’s how the story goes in the Prophet Jonah’s own words: “A little while back while discussing various topics with the Lord God, he instructed me to go forth and preach repentance to the city of Nineveh, you know the place – the most populous city of the Assyrian Empire located on the east bank of the Tigris River. Well, since you, me, and the Lord are well aware that the folks of Nineveh are best known for their wickedness, not to mention the fact that the whole place is one of Israel’s fiercest enemies, I decided to ignore him.”

“Most everyone knows how stubborn a fellow I can be, so if you guessed that I did just the opposite of what the Lord God ask me to do, you’d be right.   I went straight down to the seaport of Joppa and booked passage on a ship to Tarshish, heading directly away from the city of Nineveh. You might say I decided my best bet was to run away from the Lord.”

“Now the ship had only left sight of land only a short while when the Lord God sent a violent storm upon us, which threatened to break the ship to pieces. The ship’s crew became so terrified they swiftly cast lots which determined that I was responsible for the bad storm. Without delay I told them to throw me overboard because deep down I knew they were right; they first tried to row me back to shore, but the waves got even higher and the storm became much more intense.   This quite naturally intensified their fear of the Lord God dramatically so the sailors ended up tossing me into the sea anyway, and wouldn’t you know it, the water immediately stilled.”

“Because I am such a poor swimmer, I figured I would surely drown.  Instead I must have been swallowed by some kind a great fish that was provided by the Lord God I’d guess. Regardless, the next thing I new, I was in the belly of the whale, and believe you me, I repented and cried out to the Lord God in prayer. Yep, I praised him a lot, ending with the statement: ‘Salvation comes from the Lord’.”

“For three whole days I remained inside that giant fish and all that praying eventually paid dividends because God apparently decided to lay the law down to the the whale, because it vomited me (the reluctant profit that I am) onto dry land on the banks of the Tigris River just outside the city of Nineveh; the rest is history”.

Moses is regarded as the most prominent Hebrew religious leader of the ancient era, as you may already know he is believed by most Biblical Scholars to have lived from 1393 to 1273 BC; but did you realize that some folks insist he was abducted just prior to his alleged death?

As many of us know, Moses is best known as being responsible for parting the “Red Sea” which allowed the en-slaved Hebrews to escape Egypt; obtaining ten laws (The Ten Commandments), which told people how to live after a couple of meetings with God on Mount Sinai; and guiding the bulk of the former slaves through the wilderness for forty years where they endured all manner of hardships.

Truth be told, there is no specific information about the death of Moses, only that he died and God buried him; yet his grave was never found (Deuteronomy 34:5,6).   For this reason it’s believed by many that Moses left Earth for the heavenly abode at the ripe old age of 120.  Like several other religious icons, some say he was abducted just prior to death, rather than being buried by his God here on earth; admittedly a weak argument, but on the other hand, we know that Elijah was taken up to somewhere in his earthly physical form without dying (2 Kings 2:11). 

More than 400 or so years later, Elijah as you know was a Hebrew prophet and a real “wonder-worker” in the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Ahab (9th century BC), that is,  according to the Biblical Books of Kings. In those texts, he raised the dead, brought fire down from the sky, and was eventually taken up in a whirlwind; some say in the company of a chariot with flaming horses or riding in a chariot guided by flaming horses.  Ether way, it would be hard to deny the man was not Abducted.

Just as Moses used his famous rod as a symbol of his divine authority, Elijah’s Mantle (you might call it an ancient over-coat) was used for similar purposes; for example Moses used his rod as a “tool” when he parted the Red Sea (Exodus 14:16) and Elijah used his Mantle as a “tool” for parting the waters of the Jordan River (2 Kings 2:8 KJV).

In the final days of Elijah’s time on Earth, he was constantly accompanied by his friend and supporter Elisha who was destined to succeed Elijah in his works of Prophecy after his abduction, or following his rather swanky departure.

We were very fortunate to encounter Elisha for a very brief interview within an hour of the apparent disappearance of his long time friend and prophet Elijah.  Here is his description of the mind bending event: “Elijah had only just used his Mantle (the one I’m wearing now) to establish a dry pathway across the River Jordan for our crossing.  He had just minutes before ask me, and I quote – ‘what I wanted from him before he departed’ for he knew his time with me was short.

“I went out on a limb and asked that ‘a double portion of his spirit be placed upon me’.  You see he had always told me that I must pick up his role as Teacher and Prophet in the event of his continued absence. In short, it’s always been clear to me that I desperately needed as much of his spirit as I could possibly get, especially if hope to fill his shoes; yes indeed.  In any event, although he said it would be hard to do, he said if the circumstances were right he would make it so”.

“Along about then as we walked along talking all the while, a thundering noise sounded just above us and when we gazed into the overcast sky there appeared a beautiful chariot, and the horses that pulled the chariot seemed to be on-fire, yet the horses of fire and the chariot were somehow separate”. 

“Honestly I was terribly frightened, even though I new Elijah was still by my side.   Then before I realized what was happening, my Friend and Teacher, Elijah was suddenly lifted up and into the mysterious vehicle by a whirlwind of some sort, yep, into the fiery contraption he swiftly went, which quickly whisked away and out of my sight through, above, and beyond the overcast sky.  The only thing remaining of Elijah is this Mantel of his which I’m now wearing; you know, I think he was able to cast it aside whilst he was within the whirlwind.  Oh, if you’re wondering if it serves me, Elisha, like it did him, I can only say that when I smote the waters of the Jordan with it a short while ago they parted hither and thither and I crossed to this side”.

In the historical sense, all of these events are traditionally viewed with a Religious slant. In other words the individuals involved are not considered “Abductees” but are among the lucky few who avoided death by way of “Ascension” into Heaven. The one exception may be Mary, mother of Jesus, who was raised to heaven by the Lord God’s power and therefore is called “The Assumption” by the Roman Catholic Church.

To be fair, several other world religions teach similar beliefs: For example Islam teaches that Muhammad ascended into heaven alive at the site of the Dome of the Rock. However it’s significant that this ascent in 621 AD was only temporary (a single nights journey); he returned to Earth and latter died in 632 AD. Regardless the Prophet Muhammad is said to have been “picked-up” by the Angel Gabriel.

And . . . 

Those of the Hindu faith are taught that Yudhishthira of the Mahabharata is the only human to have crossed the bridge between mortals and heaven in his mortal form.

The three incidents detailed above (Jonah, Moses, and Elijah) are borrowed from the teachings of Judaism.  According to the post-biblical Jewish Midrash, only eight people went to Heaven, the Garden of Eden, or Paradise in the flesh: 1. Elijah;  2. Serach, the daughter of Asher; 3. Enoch; 4. Eliezer, the servant of Abraham; 5. Hiram, king of Tyre; 6. Ebed-Melech, the Ethiopian; 7. Jaabez, the son of Rabbi Yehudah ha-Nasi; and 8. Bithiah, the daughter of Pharaoh.

That’s right; the addition of Moses to this elite group was my idea.

Most of us believe death is considered the normal end to an individual’s life here on Earth and by the natural order of progression is the first stage of an afterlife; in other words a prerequisite for entering some sort of Heaven. The absence of death is considered in a word: “exceptional” and is typically considered a sign of a Supreme Being’s special recognition of that individual’s virtue.  I guess that means that all of us virtuous folks can simply hope, or, continue to look to the skies for friendly Abductors!

Sources . . .



  1. There's only one "friendly Abductor" and his name is Jesus Christ. You can't buy a ticket, or work your way onto that ride, because it's free! All one has to do is believe!

    1. You tell ’em Anonymous and I’ll tell ’ em how the Easter Bunny lays colorful eggs each spring and how Santa slips down millions of chimneys on the eve of the pagan sun-god’s (Mithra) birthday every year.

  2. Are you telling me the Easter Bunny doesn't really lay colorful eggs each spring? Bummer!!!!

    1. Oh yes, contrary to “popular” belief they do . . . Really!

  3. I keep hoping to see an alien spaceship land in my back yard, but so far no such luck. If it ever happens though, I will let you know. Also, I've never understood why Christmas is celebrated in December when the bible's description of the event suggests it was in April or May of the year.
