Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Shining Ones

“The Shining Ones" are imposing terms for an ancient, powerful race which some believe preceded documented / recorded civilization.  We know about them solely through the artifacts and structures which they are thought to have left behind which were constructed prior to their demise; which some estimate to have been as much as 500 thousand years ago.

Since there have been no living or dead Shining Ones – even skeletal remains – yet discovered, our understanding of the appearance of these beings is based purely on speculation obtained from what is believed to be their architecture and verbal stories / legends that have been passed down through the generations. 

The Shining Ones probably had a sense which processed visual light, because their artifacts often have pleasing combinations of color decorating them.  Since no artifacts thus far recovered produce sound of any type, it is certainly possible that the Shining Ones did not possess a sense of hearing. 

All we know for sure about the Shining Ones is that they are not around anymore; in other words, nothing is known about the Shining Ones' society or their history. 

Nothing of value or I should say nothing at all is known regarding the Shining Ones' psychology or their way of thinking, although it is presumed that they were smart and powerful beings (some ancient cultures thought they were gods) if you consider the nature of the artifacts they have left behind.   Because of the “god like” legends, it is sometimes thought that these beings were not of this world.

The Shining Ones appear in many myths and cultures by different names and descriptions, but they are often described as gods or creatures that were made up of light. They are usually described as tall ghost like beings. Some cultures actually viewed them as what they probably were, aliens (the Mayans for example), from beyond this world.

Assuming you choose to believe the ancient alien theorists (who have researched the topic for decades), these beings were not of this world; you should also believe they brought along a superior knowledge of science and engineering when visiting Earth thousands of years ago, allegedly sharing that expertise with early man kind and thus changing the course of human history. To this day researchers continue to look for evidence what will support this theory. 

Here are a few examples of such historical discoveries:

In China reports about an alien race called the ‘Dropa’ who left behind fascinating discs have been found.

The ancient map known as the Piri Reis Map which was discovered in 1929 allegedly shows the Earth as it is seen from space.

Engravings found on cave and mountain walls in many parts of the world, imply that ancient aliens may have visited the planet. 

The ancient Mayan text –Popol Vuh, states, "Men came from the stars, knowing everything, and they examined the four corners of the sky and the Earth's round surface." 

Additionally, the Mayan Chilam Balaam texts also state, "Beings descended from the sky in flying vessels ... fair men in flying rings, who can touch the sky."

One can not help but wonder where the ancient Maya got their advanced knowledge in astronomy, mathematics, and other areas such as their famous calendar.

Yet a more recent theory is that The Great Sphinx  was not constructed five thousand years ago, but more than ten thousand years past.  This is based upon the water erosion markings that are located upon the lower body of the Sphinx.   You see, 10,000 years ago the area in which it is located was very wet unlike the arid / dry conditions we know to have existed for more than 5,000 years.

The theory of ancient aliens most likely grew out of the centuries-old idea that life exists on other planets, and that humans and such alien creatures have crossed paths before. The popular theme of human-alien interaction was the driving force in the 1960s, and was motivated by a wave of UFO sightings and popular films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).  The U S and Soviet space programs helped to promote this concept as well ... after all, if mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn’t extraterrestrials visit Earth? 

Another motivational factor was also seen in 1968. The Swiss researcher and author Erich von Däniken published the book Chariots of the Gods, which became an immediate bestseller.  In it, he put forth his theory that, religions and technologies of many ancient civilizations originated via space travelers who were often welcomed as gods. Since that time, he has written many other books and appeared in the media presenting physical proof of his theories. In 2010 he even appeared in the History Channel mini series, "Ancient Aliens". 

If aliens have visited Earth in the past, why could they not make an appearance in the future? For ancient alien theorists, the answer to that question is yes.    Such  theorists believe that, by sharing their views with all of mankind, they can help prepare generations of the future for the encounter that awaits them.



  1. I would truly enjoy learning more about this
    "Piri Reis Map". Kathy

  2. I want to know more about that map also!
