Sunday, November 20, 2011


A Magic Tarot Card

Magic is an art said to manipulate certain aspects of reality either by supernatural means or through knowledge of occult laws that are yet unknown to science. It’s in contrast to science, or you might say quite the opposite.  Practitioners of magic claim it is a mysterious force beyond the realms of logic. The use of magic, is not a recent development, in fact it has been practiced in all cultures for generations.  The ancient Greeks had a goddess of magic (Hecate) and who can forget the legendary advisor to King Arthur, Merlyn the Magician?

The performance of magic almost always involves the use of language, or magical words or phrases. Writer, Bronisław Malinowski, in his 1935 book on the subject, Coral Gardens and their Magic, states the following: “the knowledge of the right words, appropriate phrases and the more highly developed forms of speech, gives man a power over and above his own limited field of personal action.” The exception to this general rule is undoubtedly eliminated if the practitioner has a magic wand, but as I understand it, a real magic wand is next to impossible to obtain.  In fact based upon my extensive research it requires especially strong magic to even locate a legitimate / real magic wand and yet stronger magic to obtain it once found.  

In non-scientific societies, a perceived magical attack is an ideology that is sometimes used to explain personal misfortune, like a failed crop or a dead cow. In a historical context this was often termed as witchcraft or sorcery, and the perceived attackers were believed to be “witches” or “sorcerers”. Examples of such thinking can easily be found in early “modern” Europe (mid-1400’s) or the late Middle Ages (1500’s) where such accusations led to the executions of tens of thousands of people, who were seen as being in league with Satan himself.

We must not exclude the execution of 19 individuals who were hung; plus one man being crushed to death by the weight of stones placed upon him; and at least 4 additional individuals who died in prison; this occurred in the American colony of 1692 Salem. The victims had allegedly been practicing which-craft which is nothing more than magic.

Most of us have heard of “black” magic (this often results in failed crops or dead farm animals) which is described as bad and then there is “white” magic which is thought to be of the good persuasion; it’s typically used for healing by the way.

But for those of you that may find the need for implementing a little bit of magic, be aware that colors like red or pink are usually considered love magic, green is for money and or wealth, black is evil and white is good. So in summation, magic is not all just black or white. By the way if you do run across a little “green” magic, please send some of it my way.

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1 comment:

  1. I could use a sack full of that green magic myself. I don't really believe in magic though.
