Fossils, we all learned
in the early days of grade school, are found imprinted on rocks or actually are
‘rocks’ that are petrified, in either circumstance science is sure they were
formed thousands of years ago. None the less, from time to time we hear about fossils
that just don’t make good geological or historical sense. The fossil of a human hand-print displayed
above, for example, was reportedly found near Weatherford, TX in 1995; it’s embedded
in limestone estimated to be 110 million years old.
Many folks are quick to point out that the
petrified fossil displayed here looks an awful lot like a human finger; it was
found somewhere in the Canadian Arctic and also dates back 100 to 110 million
years ago. And what some say is the the fossil of a human footprint, possibly
wearing a sandal, was reportedly found
near Delta, Utah in a shale deposit estimated to be 300 million to 600 million
years old.
Somewhere near Fisher Canyon in Pershing County, Nevada
a very detailed shoe print fossil is said to have been discovered in a seam of
coal. The coal was estimated to be a
whopping 15 million years old! Just to
insure that you won’t think this was the fossil of some kind of animal whose
shape merely resembles a modern shoe; an up-close examination of the fossil was
said to clearly reveal traces of a double line of sewn stitches around the
perimeter of the fossil. It’s believed to be a size 13 or so, and the right
side of the heel is apparently worn down more than the left.
Evidently the “shoe
print fossil” was found by Albert E. Knapp, an employee of a Nevada Mining
Company, on January 15, 1917 . . . Two of the earliest reports about the fossil
were published on March 19, 1922 in the New York Times, and another more
detailed report appeared in the October 8, 1922 article by W. H. Ballou in the
American Weekly section of the New York
Sunday American. The latter article was titled “Mystery of the Petrified
Shoe Sole”.
A similar discovery was made in the Robledis
Mountains of New Mexico by paleontologist Jerry MacDonald as recently as 1987.
There were also various fossil footprints of birds and other mammals in the
same general area, but MacDonald was at a loss to explain how a modern
footprint could have been cast in the Permian strata, which dates back to the
neighborhood of 250 to 300 million years ago; that by the way, is long before
man (birds and dinosaurs for that matter) existed on earth; that is, according
to the current line of scientific thought.
In July of 1992, a
Smithsonian Magazine publication from Washington DC issued an article on
this topic. While it’s admirable that
MacDonald and the Smithsonian clearly acknowledged the existence of multiple
foot prints in a strata that challenges the current evolutionary theory, it is
significant that the story only highlight the mammal and bird prints, and did
not mention the human footprint found in the mix.
Interestingly, since
these tracks were discovered, and the publication was released, evolutionists
have not tried to argue their authenticity or made attempts to discredit them.
Nor have they tried to argue that the footprint isn’t human, however they do
claim that it’s a foot print that “looks like” a human’s. In any event, like the prints of the birds
& mammals, it shouldn’t have been there.
another article that the Smithsonian
Magazine ran in ’92 about the discovery, it noted that paleontologists call
such anomalies: “problematica.” Pointing
out that such unusual irregularities are placed into the “white crow” category;
meaning that all we need to prove that all crows are not black is to find a single white
Similarly: All we have to do to prove that the history
of modern man (or possibly how we date strata) is different than is currently perceived
is to find a fossil like that of a human hand or foot. Having accomplished that difficult task,
scientists instead continue to place such information on a shelf, label it as
“problematica” and continue in their unyielding views; perhaps because the
reality is far too troublesome.
Now how
do you suppose a ‘human looking’ print became impressed in material that would
be coal some15 million years later? The
correct answer may be: The imprint was made much more recently and the formation
of coal does not really take millions of years (modern science does not support
this) . . . One alternative is that there were people or something that would
pass as people traipsing about in bare feet15 million years ago . . . Another
possibility is simply that time travelers went back in time and inadvertently
left behind a print, or it could just be an elaborate hoax.
You’re apt to see a human footprint on practically any
beach or patch of mud these days but a footprint that’s obviously from the
anatomy of a modern human being; fossilized in stone or coal that’s estimated
to be 15 million years old or more is not a common find.
Just what do you presume
we are to make of these reported finds? Here’s just a few best guesses:
- Intelligent humans date a lot further back than we realize.
- Other intelligent beings and civilizations that were likely humanoid existed on earth far beyond today’s historical record.
- Our dating methods are far from being accurate, which would indicate that stone, coal and fossils form much quicker than we think.
If you
think fossils are the only items that are routinely placed into the
problematica category you’re wrong; that fallacy was ‘brought to light’ right
here on a related topic “A Catastrophic Theory of History” a few months ago (October 14, 2012). So, it’s not that unusual to find objects you
might find in a typical workshop or machine shop scrap bin. They’re obviously
manufactured but this assortment of metal eyelets, spirals, springs, and other
metal objects have been found in layers of sediment dated as much as 100,000
years old! I’d guess it was really hard to locate a good metal foundry in those
Thousands of such objects / products; some measuring as
small as 1/10,000th of an
inch in diameter were discovered during gold mining operations in the Ural
Mountains of Russia as recently as the 1990’s. They were recovered from a depth
between 3 and 40 feet in layers of earth dating back to the upper Pleistocene
era, these very unusual objects are therefore thought to be anywhere from
10,000 to 125,000 years old.
Somewhere in the
Mazong Mountains of China, rock collector Zhilin Wang found a hard black rock
that was embedded with a metal rod of unknown origin and purpose. The rod reportedly
has screw-like threads, suggesting that it was a manufactured item of some
sort. By adding the fact that it was buried in the ground long enough for rock
to form around it suggests that it must be several million years old.
At least one theory suggests that the rock and rod’s
origin is a meteorite that fell to Earth from space. How else can we explain a stone that appears
to have formed around a mysterious metal rod?
Would you believe
this is not an isolated case of metal screws being found within solid rock;
several reports suggest many others have been found, a few examples:
1. In the early 2000’s, a strange rock was found in the suburbs of Moscow, Russia. It was embedded with two screw-like objects.
2. Another rock found in Russia, when subjected to a routine X-ray analysis, was found to have eight screws deep inside it!
The biggest problem evoked in the examples cited here is that humans were not supposed to have been around 65 million years ago (or more) when the dinosaurs roamed, much less, folks who could work metal. But if that’s true, how on earth can science explain oval shaped metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk formations in France? Before that seemingly unbelievable factoid escapes you, think about these additional reports: In 1885, a block of coal was split open which revealed a metal cube obviously worked by someone other than the dinosaurs; in 1912, an employee at an electric plant in Arkansas, broke apart a large chunk of coal which reveal an iron pot! If such reports were few and far between, perhaps such events could be described as rare anomalies, but there are many, many more such, shall we say irregularities?
1. In the early 2000’s, a strange rock was found in the suburbs of Moscow, Russia. It was embedded with two screw-like objects.
2. Another rock found in Russia, when subjected to a routine X-ray analysis, was found to have eight screws deep inside it!
The biggest problem evoked in the examples cited here is that humans were not supposed to have been around 65 million years ago (or more) when the dinosaurs roamed, much less, folks who could work metal. But if that’s true, how on earth can science explain oval shaped metallic tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk formations in France? Before that seemingly unbelievable factoid escapes you, think about these additional reports: In 1885, a block of coal was split open which revealed a metal cube obviously worked by someone other than the dinosaurs; in 1912, an employee at an electric plant in Arkansas, broke apart a large chunk of coal which reveal an iron pot! If such reports were few and far between, perhaps such events could be described as rare anomalies, but there are many, many more such, shall we say irregularities?
Do you believe
such reported discoveries are strong enough evidence that proves a long-lost
but advanced civilization that we’re unaware of? If not, who would you guess was around to create
such baffling objects, time travelers or someone ‘from a planet far, far away’? The alternative to one or the other of those
choices suggests an awful lot of elaborate hoaxes.
I've never found anything out of the ordinary, but have found fossils of trees and plants like ferns and sea shells. Found a ball of pyrite about the size of a soccer ball in a coal seam once.