Ancient Japanese Rock Painting From 5,000 B.C.
The Dream of Flight has been in the imaginations of mankind since he first watched in awe as birds glided effortlessly through the skies. According to accepted history, in the 1780s two Frenchmen first accomplished lighter-than-air flight when they were lifted into the air in a hot air balloon near Paris . Since that time, we witnessed the amazing achievements of Leonardo Da Vinci in the 16th century who designed a winged aircraft as well as a crude kind of helicopter. Then a few hundred years later (1903) the Wright brothers made their first successful flights on the beaches of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina that in turn allowed powered flight to became a modern reality.
The above paragraph admittedly is a very short version of the current and widely accepted history of air flight; however, today’s archeologist continue to find evidence that should make us rethink our past flight history and perhaps question the ability of ancient civilizations to achieve flight, or perhaps in the extreme the realization or likely hood of visitors from another places or planets. In fact modern, archeologists have discovered an abundance of historical evidence and facts that suggest that humankind attempted, as well as achieved flight in the distant past. The Japanese rock painting / image depicted above is clearly a representation of a flying machine, this is but one example.
As for aeronautical engineers these objects looked so much like airplanes with delta-shaped wings, etc. that in 1997 someone actually built a scaled up radio controlled version of the objects to the exact specifications of the “toys” with the simple addition of an engine and a propeller. The flight tests were quite successful; in fact the radio controlled aircraft not only flew but performed several airborne loops, rolls and other maneuvers, and then finished up with a perfect landing.
Perhaps the most impressive and detailed description of all are those found in ancient India ; they were called “Vimanas” or flying machines. Text about these machines can be found in no less than 15 ancient Indian scripts; for example the Aeronautical Science (Vaimanika Sastra) text goes into great detail which is believed to have been written, by the way, in about 400 BC with a total of 230 verses written about the Vimanas including the construction of, their taking off techniques, descriptions of cruising in excess of 1,000 miles and even what a pilot should do in case of a collision with a bird!
When such artifacts are found that can not be explained away, the old “aliens built it or the aliens told us how to build it”, theory invariably comes to light. Could it possibly be that maybe the Atlántida’s or some such advanced civilization told these ancient people how to build it? Could there have been some ancient race that was so advanced that it had the engineers and scientists available to create such things? What if mankind is far older than we suspect as such finds indicate, and that man has therefore actually had millions of years to advance? What if there was a place called Atlantis and they occasionally loaned out such technology; after all, they would have known that the people that they lent it to would never be able to duplicate it. Therefore such “lessee’s” would be of no threat to anyone; what if they (Atlantis, etc.) were then destroyed some how, don’t you think their advanced technology would have died with them?
Where could such “lending” practices have occurred? Thus far artifacts and drawings suggesting as much have been found in South America, Egypt, Japan, Italy, Afghanistan, India and many more diverse locations here on our ever shrinking planet earth.
It is easy to dismiss such finds as the creation of slightly intelligent dummies who were good at creating calendars or who only served their gods faithfully without having any clue as to what they were doing in their ancient world. But consider the reality of this: It has wings, it has a stabilizing tail, and it has some kind of landing gear, what more do you require to modify your thinking?
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